Giuseppe Colombo

Giuseppe Colombo, 56 - during 12 years as CEO of Prague’s ICKM Real Estate, Giuseppe led a team of 60 staff to build a portfolio of 2,000 residential units, including some of Prague’s most well-known landmark developments. In 2008, Giuseppe com- pleted the EUR 100 million sale of ICKM to GE Capital and Crestyl. Before found- ing ICKM, Giuseppe managed interna- tional projects for F.lli Diogaurdi S.p.A. (1990-1996), in charge of operations in Stuttgart, Boston and Washington DC, where he was responsible for constructi- on of the new Italian Embassy. Since IC- KM’s sale, Giuseppe has been active in an environmental technology venture and with private investors in real estate projects, including collaborations with his PrimeInvest partner Jeff Jackson.

Jeffrey Charles Jackson

Jeff Jackson, 55 - PrimeIn- vest’s founder, Jeff owns the Prague real estate agency Home for You, which since 2007 has brokered over 2700 transactions. Aside from Jeff’s real estate interests, he has 24 years experience building and operating media and tele- com businesses in Europe, for which he led placements with venture capital and private equity firms, banks and private investors. Jeff is founder and CEO since 2005 of Prague-based ElectraStar, which has deployed BPL technology on Prague’s power grid to supply broadband connec- tivity to Vodafone, EDF-Citelum, etc. Pre- viously, he lived 12 years in Luxembourg where he built one of Europe’s first digi- tal cable TV systems with equity part- ners 3i Group plc, Dexia Bank and Lux- embourg’s P&T state telecom.

Mikus Kins

Mikus Kins, 42 - a capital markets expert, Mikus has held senior management po- sitions at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, LaSalle Bank and ABN/AMRO. Mikus was based in Lon- don, where he served as Board Director of Bank of America Trustees Ltd. and over- saw the Global Securities Solutions Divi- sion of Bank of America Merrill Lynch, ser- vicing commercial and residential mort- gage Backed Securities and over $60 billi- on in Total Return Swap portfolios. Mikus now applies his capital markets expertise to structure private equity finance for in- ternational real estate projects, as co-Man- aging Partner of PrimeInvest and Execu- tive Vice-President of RMX Property in Chi- cago, where Mikus is also Board member of the Global Real Estate Council of the Chicago Association of Realtors.

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